Wednesday, October 17, 2007

our guilty pleasure

Nyams. another guilty pleasure for me and Clownie is to enjoying the sophisticated Plaza Ambarrukmo. haha! tadinya cuma mau beli kursi untuk ruang tattoo dan beberapa equipment lainnya, tapi malah jadi jalan2 dan ada yang ngeborong muscle car Hotwheels sementara gue sendiri liat2 sepatu n tas (women...). anyway, ada satu hal yang gue sadari tentang enaknya jadi perempuan. You don't need to feel sorry or awkward of shopping even if you're shopping alone! shopping gak harus selalu ngeluarin duit lho. We're idea shopping. ngeliat beberapa outlet yang dari nama sama produk n interiornya gak nyambung, sampe liat2 rak pajang (raknya doang, maap ya mbak2 outlet jam yang cuman kita liatin raknya, soalnya stiker akrilik ente blom dilepas, kita kan pengen tau). ngiterin the what so called Amplaz sampe ke pojok2 kamar mandinya, gak sadar udah jalan2 empat jam lebih, sampe ada sms dari temennya Clownie, katanya udah di Amplaz, mau nraktir. Yaudah kita panggilin di informasi... (gara2 gak punya pulsa) dan ternyata mereka masih di Kinoki.. yeks..

anyway, after finding a piece of metropolitan touch in this homy city, i've found that an idea shopping (or REAL shopping, maybe, someday...) is rather relaxing for me and Clownie. yet a guilty pleasure.. duh x(

Monday, October 1, 2007

World's Vegetarian Day

It was yesterday. Clownie's Mom is outta town, so it's my chance to make the family vegetarian. hehe! I made vegetarian fried rice but with fish meatballs for Clownie's sister and brother. For Bebe I made carrot and bean soup with tofu. I don't think I celebrate the day becoz I myself was so busy all day I can't hardly eat anything all day. I went to campus with Clownie at 9 AM and back home at 3, while I had to work at 5 PM. sheeshh... And I forgot to count on the flyover project in front of our house. (OK, this is not related with world's vegetarian day, i'm simply just telling bout my day yesterday) Me and Bebe can't barely sleep!! they worked overtime until about 4.30 in the morning until I yelled to them. I don't even know if they stop because of my trash words or simply they're just tired. I think I should tell someone in charge about this. We don't pay taxes for this horrifying noise. 

Anyway, about the day I don't eat anything. The World's Vegetarian Day. I realized this morning when I scaled my weight, it's now 64 kgs. wow, it was still 67 last week x( I dunno if I have to feel happy or worry about this. I feel very exhausted and overworked. While I still want to spend my times with Clownie and Bebe, take Bebe to the swimming pool, etc. I won't feel like a super mama/wife without spending my time with family.  fuh, enough said, I'm very tired.